613-966-5568  |  40 Tank Farm Road, Belleville

VRV Heat Pump Systems

The VRV heat pump is a multi-split heating and cooling system. It offers zoned temperature control for individual floors and rooms.

VRV stands for "variable refrigerant volume technology. This technology controls the refrigerant flow from the outdoor unit to the indoor one. Its purpose is to circulate only the minimum amount of refrigerant needed at a time. This improves the comfort of your space while optimizing its energy efficiency.

Because this system is multi-zoned, it doesn't need any ductwork installation. Instead, each floor or room has its own indoor unit. This ensures precise zone control for each specified area.

Our large-scale VRV heat pumps are an especially great choice for commercial buildings. They are slim and compact, making them a perfect solution for smaller spaces - like offices and retail shops. They also offer incredible reliability and energy savings!