613-966-5568  |  40 Tank Farm Road, Belleville

Exhaust Hoods

Commercial kitchens require both an exhaust fan and an exhaust hood. These two components work together to properly remove air pollution from your space.

It's common for smoke, steam, heat, grease vapours and smelly odours to permeate the air in your commercial kitchen. This air pollution arises due to specific cooking equipment and processes. And it can very quickly lower your indoor air quality (IAQ).

This poor IAQ can then affect the health and safety of your commercial kitchen - affecting your staff and guests.

As per Ontario's Public Health guidelines, ventilating your space to avoid this air pollution is mandatory.

That's where your exhaust system comes in!

Your exhaust hood is a crucial part of your exhaust system. It helps remove these harmful pollutants from your space - providing you with a cleaner air environment.