613-966-5568  |  40 Tank Farm Road, Belleville

Gas-Packaged Rooftop Units

Gas-packaged rooftop units make conditioning your commercial facility easy!

Instead of having separate systems to condition your building, you can rely on one unit to do it all. They offer thermal comfort and improved indoor air quality in one simplified unit.

How does a rooftop unit work?

As the name implies, rooftop units are strategically placed on the roof of a building. They are typically connected to the air of your space via ductwork.

First, air from your space returns through the ductwork to the packaged rooftop unit.

There, the air moves through a series of conditioning components. This includes purifying, tempering and (de)humidifying.

Once the conditioning is complete, the system moves the air back into your ductwork. Here, it then recirculates back into your space.

As a professional business, caring for your space is just as important as caring for your customers. After all, you are responsible for their safety while they are under your roof.

A gas-packaged rooftop unit ensures your space is both comfortable and protected.