613-966-5568  |  40 Tank Farm Road, Belleville

Heat Recovery Ventilators

A heat recovery ventilator (HRV) is a highly efficient indoor air quality solution. Its purpose is to reduce the heating and cooling demands of a building by recovering lost heat. But it also offers improved ventilation for your space.

Good indoor air quality is one of the most important aspects of a professional building. It protects you, your staff and your guests. It also helps to uphold your quality assurance guidelines!

Without proper ventilation, the air in your space can become stale and even toxic. Depending on the type of facility you have, it could also become an extreme health hazard.

Installing a reliable and efficient ventilation system can help solve this issue! And installing an HRV can make the process even more effective!

HRVs can actually increase your energy efficiency and reduce heat loss at the same time. While a typical ventilator exchanges indoor air with fresh air, an HRV system takes it one step further. It recycles the heat from the exhaust air before removing it.

The HRV system uses the warmth from the exhaust air to pre-heat the new, incoming air. This helps lighten the heating demand on your HVAC system and increase its energy efficiency.