613-966-5568  |  40 Tank Farm Road, Belleville

Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans support more than just the comfort of your commercial location. They also ensure your business follows necessary health and safety regulations. This makes them a crucial component of your business operations.

The purpose of a commercial exhaust fan is to remove pollutants from your indoor air. To do this, it pulls the exhaust air from your enclosed space, filters it, and then recycles it back through the building.

Restaurants, bakeries and ice cream shops typically have these fans installed to:

  • Purify the air of dangerous toxins and impurities.
  • Remove excess moisture, heat, odour and smoke.
  • Improve the overall indoor air quality of their commercial space.

Installing exhaust fans also ensures your commercial kitchen is up to code.

Health and safety guidelines keep your public space operating safely and legally. Without them, the Ontario Public Health unit could shut your business down completely.

Protect the health and safety of your business with professional-grade exhaust fans. See our selection below!

(exhaust fans coming soon)