613-966-5568  |  40 Tank Farm Road, Belleville

Make-Up Air Units

Make-up air units replace exhaust air that should not recirculate in your facility.

Most industrial spaces have large machines that release exhaust as they operate. This exhaust can lower your indoor air quality (IAQ) and be dangerous to inhale.

The typical solution for removing exhaust air is a ventilation unit. But a ventilation unit alone may not be the best solution for your specific facility.

For example, some industrial facilities must meet higher IAQ standards. These might include an auto assembly, medicinal or wastewater treatment plant. Increasing the IAQ standards in these facilities means increasing their mechanical ventilation solution. Otherwise, the air becomes a hazard for everyone breathing it in.

Using a different type or amount of ventilation can help to offset harmful air quality caused by exhaust air.

If a traditional ventilation system isn't enough for your facility, consider adding a make-up air unit! This unit protects indoor air quality and creates a safe working environment for your staff.

Make-up air units add three unique benefits to your ventilation system:

  • They remove harmful exhaust air and input fresh, outdoor air.
  • They condition (heat or cool) the air before bringing it inside - lowering your energy consumption.
  • They help prevent a pressure drop in your facility.